Carpe Noctem

Location: A land of ones and zeros, Queensland, Australia

Thursday, September 29, 2005


"The need very badly to urinate", from micturitum "to desire to urinate".
There is a new word for the day.

Assault Weapons

Interesting presentation on the assault rifle ban in the US. Dont necessarily agree with the aim of this but it raises some good points.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Ow my fricking head

Now that is a mental challenge, at the moment I am stuck on number 10, I have found the clues but the answer itself escapes me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I have been neglecting my poor blog havn't I?
Well thats all I have to say about that!

Monday, September 12, 2005

I hate...

People who tell you how drunk they got over the weekend, like you deserve some type of reward for falling face-first into the toilet at 4am in the morning... friends dont let friends drive drunk? Bullshit, give them their keys, start up their car and give them another drink. Three things can happen:
1. They get the shit kicked out of them by police because they refused to get out of the car because they are shitfaced and currently listening to the latest hip-shitty-hop song
2. They die in a horrable carcrash... Darwin rejoices
3. They make it back and repeat next week.
I mean come on people, I really dont give a shit.
Thank you Foamy.

Please people, think before you SMS

Now everyone, I want you all to do me a favour. If you (as you of course do) desire to SMS me with something I want you to think first, does Brenden really care about what I am about to waste my 25c and his time on? I mean come on people, no I do not care what you did on the weekend, I dont care how drunk you got, I just in general dont care and as such your SMS is a waste of precious time you could have used to commit seppuku.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Thats all I have to say, and no you cant have any. This is my own personal stock.

General Rules For Bakilas

1. Nudity is not a magpie deterent
2. Rape is never justified
3. You are not acting under the order of Cthulhu, Yog-Soggeth or Hastur
4. You are not Cthulhu or any other dark god
5. Or any other god
6. Chronic masturbation is not an acceptable excuse for handing in an assignment late
7. Females should not be told they are slaves
8. A Donkey Punch is never acceptable
9. Scoring 0% purity is not an acceptable goal to put on your resume
10. Am not allowed to enter into a relationship with the same female more then twice
11. I am not the steam-roller of funk
12. I can not dance
13. Just because there are two of us does not mean we can take her
14. Chlorophorm is a crime, not a pick-up line
15. Must not spank other people's children, unless they are over the age of consent...
16. Even then, they must give consent
17. Taking off my pants does not count as forplay
18. Taking a girl to the movies does not count as forplay
19. Bakilas is not allowed to joke about having sex with anyone's sister
20. Bakilas is definatly not allowed to have sex with any friend's sister
21. Must not start any convo with; I am drunk, Stippergram, Hey, your sister, or the word nipple
22. Am not allowed to act out any scene of Phantom of the Opera while working
23. Check identity before smacking any ass
24. Girlfriends are not drink holders
25. I am not a children's role-model
26. Should not blog lists while I am meant to be studying
27. "Just keep it in your pants"
28. "Keep that out of your pants"
29. Rape, Child Molestering, Dr. Death, Iraq, New Orleans, School Shootings, the Columbia Space Shuttle: None of these things are funny or should be joked about
30. Must not sing Closer - Nine Inch Nails while in the library
31. Must not sing Bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang while in computer lab
32. Check lab is empty before burping/farting
33. Justifiable homocide does not count if someone is annoying
34. Must not comment of friend's new gf's rack while she is there
35. Do not refer to friend's new gf as "the skirt"
36. Bakilas should not wager on: Tsunami/Hurricane/Earthquake/School shooting kill counts
37. Bakilas should not wager on: Ex-Girlfriends, friend's chances of being rejected, getting people to do stupid things, trial outcomes, any scenario 40 Days & 40 Nights
38. Must not re-enact any scene from Star Wars while in Target toy section
39. Must not pretend to be a Nazi while at uni
40. Running into electronic doors before they open does not mean that I beat them
41. Must not make fun of: Nazis, Germans, French, Goths, Ex-Girlfriends, Current Girlfriends, Future Girlfriends, the whole female race, homosexuals, people from Gin-Gin, people from Nimbin, homeschooled, multemedia students, education students, rappers, hip-hop, country music, cattle farmers, the technologically enept, the elderly, the deceased, babies, young parents, really old parents, my parents, racial minorities
42. Fight Club is not a religion
43. Cthulhuism is not a real religion
44. Bakilasism is not a real religion
45. The Internet is not a Deity
46. I have not finished the Internet
47. I am not the Supermarket Terrorist
48. I am not your daddy
49. "Who's your daddy" is an innipropriate way to begin a speach. Even if it is on sexual harassment
50. Must cut down on euphonisims

Well 50 will do for now, I am sure that there will be many more to come.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ah my old friend how I have missed you

I never seem to get you as often as most people do, and when I do have you I only get a few hours of you. From what I have heard most people get much longer then I do. So last night I went for 12 hours, not continually (that would have been a miricle), but basically for 12 hours. Words can not describe how I felt after I had finished.
I love sleep, wish I could get to sleep more often :D