Carpe Noctem

Location: A land of ones and zeros, Queensland, Australia

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Iraq Pullout

Thousands demand Iraq pullout, Iraq refuses and promises that they won't get pregnant.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Baldur's gate summarises my gaming experiences...

Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pen hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all patience! If you've got a straight answer in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it length wise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


You answered "yes" to 602 of 1500 questions, making you 59.9% sexually pure (40.1% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 59.9% pure in the sex domain.

At least I broke the 60% mark.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not really a shock...

You are 100% Rational, 100% Extroverted, 71% Brutal, and 85% Arrogant.
You are the Smartass! You are rational, extroverted, brutal, and arrogant. In fact, you could very well be the anti-Christ, as you are almost the exact opposite of everything Jesus was supposed to be. While Jesus says love your enemy, you say love beating the crap out of your enemy. While Jesus raises the dead, you raise hell. While Jesus walks on water, you tend to sink. You probably consider people who are emotional and gentle to be big pussies who are obviously in lesser stature than you. You have many flaws, despite your seeming intelligence and cool-headedness. For instance, you aren't very nice. In fact, you're probably an asshole.
Your exact opposite is the Emo Kid.

Some other test results:
I will be dead by July 2060 at the age of 74, from Heart Attack.

My Type of thief:

You scored 48% Subtlety, 0% Leadership, and 80% Forethought!
Well, at least you put some thought into your heists. It's better to work alone, and considering what you're likely to do to your targets if they get in your way, any teammates might wuss out. Their loss. You know what it takes to get in and get out with what you need, be it the loot, or the satisfaction of beating your target for resisting. Just remember: Just because you can potentially kill the prick, chances are that he'll try and trigger the alarm if you haven't. Try and think of avoiding conflict altogether. Just a question: are you in it for the cash, or for the blood?

Which Battle Royal character are you?
Shogo Kawada
94 killer instinct, 78 independence, 72 sociability, and 88 rationality
Shogo is a hardened fighter and the winner of a previous program. Due to his past experiences he knows what to do and is very organised. He is, or at least claims to be, on a mission to avenge his girlfriend, whom he was forced to kill in a previous program. He also seems to know something about the collars that others do not know.. He helps Shuya Nanahara and Noriko Nakagawa escape, but succumbs to his wounds and dies.
What do your scores mean? - Your strategy
You are a adaptable person who probably will keep calm even in the Program. You are probably very determinent to win, and are capable of working both alone or in a group. You are rational rather than intuitive, and you think before you act. Just don't trust the wrong people and you have a good chance of surviving.
Chance of survival: 80%

Which Jedi/Sith are you?

Darth Bane
You scored 34% wisdom, 76% aggression, 78% power, and 30% morality!
Your aggression and power have made you a survivor. You have emerged alive through a sea of death during the apparent collapse of the Sith. You are still not much for morality, though, being a Sith Lord. Some have called your decision to limit the amount of Sith to two beings "wise," but the future proved you wrong.

Which nation should I be in control of?
France. (France? WTF?)

Which Pirate am I?
William Dampier
You are 61 %Treasurer, have 60% Seafairability, crave 22% Bloodlusting, and lust 42% in Wenchwanting!

Naturalist, Scientist, and Buccaneer, Captain Dampier you are the gentleman of pirates! Circumnavigating the globe three times whilst collecting treasure and anthropological data has made you a pirate of substance and class which doesn't happen very often! You're in a league of your own here, and while I don't neccessarily condone the lack of wenching and bloodletting, your great passion and scientific inquisition are well noted!

Geek Quotes

Some odd quotes during DnD games of late.

pHr4nK0: Whats licking my knee?
Mini-pHr4: Well it's not me
~~Sad thing was that he wasn't talking about in game events.

Bert: LOOK LOOK! It's an aborted penguin.
~~I really can't explain this.

NPC Wizard: Which of you has the magical mask I sent you for?
pHr4nK0: The mage has it! *Bluff Role, success*
Wizard: *turns to mage* Give me the mask
CBatch: Umm... The rogue has it *Bluff Role, success*
Wizard: *angry, turns to rogue* Give me the mask NOW fool
Lamort: ... ... ... The Ranger has it *Bluff Role, success*
Wizard: *turns to ranger* MASK! NOW!
Ranger: We don't have it, we were robbed whilst returning from the caves.
Wizard angrily turns to the three characters who lied to him
pHr4nK0: ...I am running upstairs.
~~The mask had been stolen from us and for some reason no one wanted to inform the mage of our incompitance.

Odd sights in the DnD world
*The creation of kamakaze pilots when pHr4nK0's army suddenly realises they can't fly and drop on top of Rhino's and Bert's combined armies.

*Hobbit's army building a giant wooden ship and transporting it halfway accross the country for no known reason.

*Bert discovering Hobbit's giant wooden ship and then sending a messenger into her camp with a white flag... and the Hobbit shooting the messanger.
*Hobbit sending a messanger back to Bert, unsurprisingly he was also shot.
*Hobbit and Bert agreeing to combine their armies and live in peace and happyness forever.
*This was immediatly followed by most of Bert's army suddently dying from poison that Hobbit's army gave them.

*Lamort hiding in front of a window (awful hide roll)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Cyanide and Happiness