Carpe Noctem

Location: A land of ones and zeros, Queensland, Australia

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Emo is short for stupid

quadropheniac57: so we're talking about aboriginal symbols in school today
quadropheniac57: and i tell my group that i read it was bad luck to kill an emu, except i say emo on accident
quadropheniac57: so i laugh and say "actually, it's pretty good luck to kill an emo"
quadropheniac57: this girl, overweight, dyed black hair, eyeshadow, not goth but close
quadropheniac57: says "no, emo is sad. emo is short for emotional"
quadropheniac57: so i respond "no, emo is short for stupid"
quadropheniac57: she says "no, it's for emotional. emo people are emotional beings who live that way to relieve their pain"
quadropheniac57: i say "emo people are self-absorbed attention-seeking idiots who listen to crappy music"
quadropheniac57: rest of class, she gives me the most dark and depressed death glare
quadropheniac57: THE WHOLE REST OF CLASS, that's like 45 minutes, she's just death-looking me, not even turning her head
quadropheniac57: i swear, she's gonna kill herself this weekend, and it's all my fault
civilpunkbikes: good luck coming your way
quadropheniac57: amen

I love

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Drop Bears

The Drop Bear is described as an arboreal, (tree dwelling) carnivorous mammal of Australia, Phascolarctus Hodgsonii, growing to around 4 feet in height. This description is not far wrong. Believed to have evolved from a similar line to koalas, Drop Bears vary from 3 to 5 feet in hight, but are extremely strong. They are covered in a dense fur, which can range from almost black to the Alpine Drop Bear's snowy white coat. They have broad shoulders and razor sharp claws on all four limbs. They are able to walk for short distances on two legs, but are much faster on all four, being capable of bursts of speed approaching 60 km/h at full gallop. Their heads are similar to those of koalas, but with enlarged canine teeth, not unlike those of bears or other carnivorous animals.

These things are killers :p

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Not much to say, just that any Australian who celebrate Halloween should be shot. STOP CELEBRATING NON-AUSTRALIAN HOLIDAYS.

That is all,

Friday, October 07, 2005
