Location: A land of ones and zeros, Queensland, Australia

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lamort's Scavanger Hunt

Lamort’s Scavenger hunt

Ok kids, load up digital cameras cause here is the list of photos I want!

1. 5 * Security Cameras
2. Sword
3. Rifle
4. Pistol
5. Police Officer
6. 2 * Cops cars
7. 4 * People on bikes
8. Child in a uniform
9. 10 * computers
10. 3 * strollers
11. A trolley
12. A 1997 gravestone
13. 5 * dancing people
14. Punch buggy
15. 2 * Pedo vans
16. 5 * Asian people
17. 2 * Crimes
18. 25 * mobile phones
19a. Small fire
19b. Medium Fire
19c. Large fire
20a. Male boob
20b. Female boob
21. 5 * covers from good albums
22. 5 * covers from bad albums
23. A pounder
24. “Coxlol” on a non-geek
25. Crying emo
26. the library toilet
27. popped bubble wrap
28. someone drinking alcohol
29. Mrs Licia (the car)
30. 3 * different animal eggs
31. Mohawk
32. Mullet
33. A monkey statue
34. A public pentagram
35. A fork & a $100 note in a microwave
36. Human blood
37. Bert’s mum
38. 4 * upside down crosses
39. This list
40. A star of David
41. an ankh
42. skull and crossbones
43. the word “know” in a bible
44. a black person
45. road kill
46. a broken window
47. A white kitten
48. A black kitten
49. A Noob
50. Person on bike with no helmet
51. 4 * graffiti on a toilet wall
52. Sleeping person
53. Light saber duel
54. The letters “F” “N” & “G” on a number plate
55. A full house
56. The Bela Lugosi stare
57. A Wii
58. Crabs
59. A birthday card for a 23 year old
60. A birthday cake for a 17 year old
61. The inside of Centerlink
62. KFC employee
63. Hungry Jacks employee
64. IGA employee (not pHr4nK0)
65. Nature’s Emporium employee
66. Rent-A-Cop
67. A tattoo
68. Suspicious looking rash
69. two chairs in a 69
70. red pillowcase
71. K-Mart employee
72. Eagle Boys employee
73. Rhino’s girlfriend
74. Inside a gym
75. Stoff The Goth
76. Miniature Battle
77. Irony
78. Fire Engine
79. A mole
80. inside of a church
81. an afro
82. something penis-shaped
83. porn mag
84. an Atari
85. a redhead
86. a band
87. Chewed gum
88. Pepperoni Pizza
89. A flag
90. skid marks
91. Green condom
92. Ambulance
93. Steak
94. A natural 20
95. A clown


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