Location: A land of ones and zeros, Queensland, Australia

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Need more suffering

Not my own, thats just crazy talk. I just need to see someone suffer, I suppose its just the mood I am in. Two weeks of good moods and fricking sunshine have just ended and this I suppose is the backlash. The next person to cross my path will most likely be hurt (be it physically, mentally or emotionally). I prefer emotional pain, you can almost feel the "angst" radiating off people when you make them doubt theirselves, its something of beauty and something I have started to miss.

Gah, I know that there are two people who are probably reading this, so be it, your opinions matter not. You are probably reading this as to try to... heh... understand the way my mind works... good luck with that. I can not think of anyone that I know who is not replacable, everyone I know is just something to amuse myself for a while and then discard. I dont know why I feel the need to ramble this to a stupid internet page but it may calm me... mneh.

-Caboose, Bakilas, Lamort, Whatever.


Blogger Bakilas Lamort said...

Crystal - Such helpful advice :P, I honestly cant think of a response sarcastic enough.

Hannah - Well that proved me wrong on my guess of 2 people reading that post. I quite like that line and yes, there is always a certain feeling that warms the bottem of my heart when I see someone get hurt.

On an update: Mood is over, back to normal sarcasm and wit etc etc etc. Everyone can breath.

5:08 PM  

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